August 24, 2015


It started out as a great Sunday,
Among good friend.
My worries had already gone away!
As we sang and danced the night before,
Everything bothering me was purposely ignored.

Then for no reason two of us sat outside,
Sipping coffee in the cold air,
On the stoop our news we shared.
As everyone else left,
It was only us three,
Drinking coffee and watching bad TV.

As the day unfolded,
Our bond grew strong.
I knew I was exactly where I belong.
Champagne for breakfast,
Sure there was juice too.
After I put my drama away,
It was nothing but laughter for the rest of the day.

At the first bar we got our hands stamped,
Had some drinks and talked.
No dancing, no prospects, no Kesha,
Off to the next place we walked.
The walk was cold,
But we didn’t mind.
We danced to Kesha,
Timber was the theme of the night.

At the next bar we weren’t so sure
It was dark, it was quiet,
It brought down our moods.
So the jukebox brought us some fun,
And baileys and hot chocolate got us in the groove.
But still no dancing,
It was time to make a move.

To our surprise there was no dancing anywhere,
I know it was Sunday, but there was something different in the air.
So we walked into the next bar,
But we hid in the photo booth.
Who knew this picture would be so important?
After six different poses,
We went to a store with different assortments.
I won’t mention the same, or the things that we did,
But we were quietly asked to behave or leave.

After that we sat at another bar,
Without having a drink,
One more joined us,
Then we went to eat.

After some food and good conversation,
We were three again,
Heading towards our final destination.
To be honest, I just wanted to leave,
The thought of Monday morning was creeping on me.

But one of us just had to go pee,
Back at the first bar we flashed our stamps,
Two of us sat down to relax,
Soon the third came, just wait for what’s next!

As we looked at our picture,
And laughed out loud
That’s when it happened,
It’s crazy to think about.

A complete stranger walked in our direction,
Looked at our picture,
But I felt there was more to this creature.
He looked at me and said I was pretty,
Then he said I was weird,
And that’s only the beginning.

He said I had lost somebody.
How did he know?
I couldn’t help but stare,
At this man who seemed to hear something in the air.
He looked at my friend and spoke of truths,
Then we looked at me and talked once more,
It was about our friendship’s significance,
If I hadn’t heard it before, I would think it was non sense.

I couldn’t help but listen carefully,
He mentioned travel plans that were in my mind.
So I asked him a question,
His answer was divine.

I asked him a simple question,
That was in my head,
Should I travel then?
“You mom says yes”, he said.
He was gone after that,
And I had no reaction.
My mom was the one I lost,
Did they just have a conversation?

I felt a mix of fear and relief,
The comfort of my mom,
And still the pain of the grief.
One thing I believe to be true,
Is that her love is eternal,
Whatever shape it comes through.
But a message like that one,
Was news to me.
But not much I can do,
So I’ll just let it be.

Right all along

In the beginning I was scared.
In the beginning I was sad.
In the beginning I was broken.
In the beginning I was blind.

As the ground crumbled beneath me,
As the sun was no longer shinning,
As the flowers were no longer blooming,
As my hard desperately reached for yours,
I collapsed.

Then once you came to see me,
Then once I felt your love surround me,
Then once I knew you were with me,
Then once I woke up, I was dreaming.

Strategically you placed me somewhere.
Little by little,
You orchestrated quite a plan.
Little by little,
I got up from the ground.
Little by little,
Your voice I have found.

I used to believe instincts came from within,
How naïve.
I used to believe I was lucky,
How naïve.
Luck is not guiding my way,
How naïve.
Your love is, and it’s here to stay.

What you are to me, Mother,
No one will ever be.
What you felt for me, Mother,
No one will ever feel.
How you saw me, Mother,
No one will ever see.

You taught me to always love.
You taught me to let hate go.
You taught me to be strong.
And again you’re teaching me,
I’m not wrong.

I’m right to stand up for myself.
I’m right to love unconditionally,
Even if it doesn’t please everyone else.
I’m right to forgive,
I’m right to believe you are right here.

I'm not alone

Being alone in the car,
That's when I miss you the most.
I go from looking at the road,to seeing all in a big blur.
Only a line of shiny lightsEverything else becomes unimportant now.I turn off the music,it no longer makes sense to sing so loud.
The speed I so carefully once controlled doesn't matter at all,The car practically drives itself,or maybe you took over so I can let go,And I let go.
I let all the feelings flow,Flowing, spilling out violently from by body.My heart, it pours pain, constraintFor trying to keep it together all along.
I say all the words that are holding me back,I cry all the tears that have been tormenting my sleep,All the whimpers of pain I don't want to keep.
I miss someone to hold me tight,Someone to tell me it will all be alright.Someone who thinks of you as a precious treasure.The thought of never having that feeling scares me,Send me to the ledger.
But an interesting thing happened just then,I cried out your name and the tear suddenly stoppedMy heart felt something.My breath slowed down,I pulled my hair back,My heart felt a tingle,My hands reach for yours,but your hand isn't there,But your love and warmth are there for sure.
I argue with myselfI reason with myselfI calm myself
I'm not alone,the night goes on,I get home,I'm alone.
The morning came and it brought me a surprise,I woke up happy today, contentNo obstacles would be on my way today,Any problem that started would solve itself outI wonder why, even though I already know.
I smile,I thank you,I blow you a kiss.
It's amazing to me,How lucky I must be.A mom like you is one of a kind,You somehow took my pain away,Love and hapiness fill my mind.

November 7, 2013

Para Não se Perder na Rotina

Eu acho impressionante, 
O movimento constante. 
Passar pelas ações diárias, 
Desejar o fim do dia, 
Evitar a academia. 

O que eu vou almoçar? 
Quem vai me ligar? 
Que roupa vou colocar? 
Na rotina do dia a dia, 
É fácil de esquecer, 
De enterrar suas dores, 
E esperar o anoitecer. 

A partir do dia que tive que acordar sem você, 
Não sei mais dizer se o dia a dia continuou. 
O que era normal antes, não é mais.
 O dia previsível ficou para trás. 

Entre os dias que agradeço a Deus pela vida que você me deu, 
E os dias que me revolto com a vida e acho que você me esqueceu, 
Existem os dias de paz. 
Aqueles dias que ao acordar já estou contente,
Enrolo na cama, tomo meu café, meu coração te sente. 

Sente também a vontade de viver, 
O poder de amar, 
A felicidade no ar. 

Olho ao meu redor e vejo medo, 
Em todo lugar. 
Pessoas fugindo do coração, 
Se escondendo e chorando na solidão. 

Não entendo o medo de viver,
Se machucar talvez,
Mas por que evitar amar?

O destino da vida ninguém sabe,
As surpresas da vida,
As feridas, as alegrias,
Todas perdidas na covardia.

Enquanto isso eu fico aqui escrevendo,
Cheia de alegria pelos pequenos momentos,
Acredito que isso venha do seu amor transbordado,
Se eu não parasse para reparar,
Nem saberia que você tinha me dado.

October 29, 2013

I've moved!

I created a new page using Wix.
It's more organized and I can personalize it more.

Check it out! :)


October 25, 2013

Night Sky

Another one from the past Night sky

July 13, 2011
What do you do when the stars are shinning and there is nowhere to look?
The one star, it's all it takes, but it's lost...misplaced.
You look, you know it's there, you feel it, you believe in it.
The one star, it's all you need, but you bleed cuz indeed, the star is all you need.
You move on cuz there is no point to stare at the sky,
but you haven't forgotten, you know it's there.
Out there, somewhere.
There are other stars, then why the obsession?
is it the distraction? a purpose? a way?
A way to discover, to learn about you. To try things out
and see all you can do.
To grow, to see, to feel, to cry.
How long have you held on to your hope?
The time doesn't matter, the feeling that counts.
When you see the star, time will stop, your jaw will drop.
You knew it, you felt it, you saw it, and it's there.
The wish, the hope, the feelings revoked,
the smile, the love, you knew you were right.
Now you have peace,
Good night!


And now in Portuguese, which is how I had written this originally.

May 24, 2011 
Quando a ansiedade bate e a noite cai, vem o pensamento.
Lento, quieto, constante, memórias, palavras, melodias
tudo no vazio, no frio do ar.

Um cigarro, uma lágrima, seca
a boca solta a palavra sem controle,
suave sai
aí a caneta, a tinta
dão visão ao sentimento.

Mas no fim são só um meio
pelo qual o calor resolve usar para chegar e mostrar
tudo aquilo que venho pensando.
Amor, saudades, carinho, amizade
como podem ter forma, vida, expressão?

Não tem, e essa é a razão da palavra
que me deixa acordada pensando em ti.
O porquê, a razão, simplesmente não tenho explicação
Eu sinto, agradeço, mau trato. Desculpa!
No fundo não sei viver sem você,
e nem quero tentar aprender.
Só quero aprender a voar, montar meu ninho e decolar.

Mas então por que?
Por que continuo acordada pensando em você?
Para poder escrever, para poder te mostrar
que estou simplesmente seguindo o caminho.
Colhendo a semente que você plantou, cuidou e amou.

Então que a palavra sirva para demonstrar,
para entregar esse amor.
No escuro, sozinha o use como uma luz.
Sentimentos, calor, admiração tem sim uma forma
assim como palavras podem mover um trem
um trem que nem partiu e já está com saudades de ti.

Cuide-se bem,
pois da próxima vez será que embarcará nesse trem.
Um sorriso no rosto, uma lágrima no olhar,
uma estrela cadente, um sonho realizado
Quando daqui a um ano quando esta data formos comemorar,
você estará ao meu lado, respirando um outro ar.