April 25, 2012

The hard things!

One of my biggest challenge so far has not been the fact I'm not eating sugar. The hardest thing was telling people why I was doing this.
In Brazil (where I am from) sugar is in everything. People use A LOT of sugar in their coffee. When I told my mom that I was doing this she thought it was just for the purpose of self inflicted pain. It wasn't! and it wasn't that painful! But I was very strict with my no sugar rule, especially in the begging. That meant no drinking alcohol either, not that I am a heavy drinker but who doesn't enjoy a beer on a Friday night? The weekend would be my biggest challenge I knew it, but more on that later.
My point is every time I am out with anyone I feel like I have to defend my diet, explain the whys and get asked multiple times if I am sure I don't want a drink or a piece of pizza! It's not easy!
 I need to come up with some sort of drink I can order while I am not drinking (which I only plan to do for 3 weeks total), I'm not doing artificial sweeteners either because I feel like that would defeat the purpose of health.

Handy tip: I always have a bag of almonds and sunflower seeds in my purse!

I went to the movie with my friend to watch The Lucky one, which was terrible in my opinion, but this is the snack that I brought to the movies with me. Way to save some $$ and not be tempted by unhealthy snacks!

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